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Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science

Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science


Vol. 20 No. 1 (2008)
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Anita Domitrović, Ernest Bazijanac, Ivo Čala
2008 (Vol 20), Issue 1
A mathematical model for optimising preventive maintenanceof aircraft jet engine was developed by dynamic programming.Replacement planning for jet engine modules is regardedas a multistage decision process, while optimum modulereplacement is considered as a problem of equipment replacement.The goal of the optimal replacement policy of jet enginemodules is a defined series of decisions resulting in minimummaintenance costs. The model was programmed inC++ programming language and tested by using CFM56 jetengine data. The optimum maintenance strategy costs werecompared to costs of simpler experience-based maintenancestrategies. The results of the comparison j usti.JY further developmentand usage of the model in order to achieve significant costreduction for airline carriers.

Miran Zgonik, Frančišek Bizjan
2008 (Vol 20), Issue 1
The increase of cars engine power has reached critical limits,so that further increase would make no sense, since alreadythe real traffic conditions now do not enable its reasonable exploitation.Experiments have confirmed that there is no essentialdifference between the more or less powerful cars in combinedtraffic in and near towns, particularly when fully complyingwith traffic regulations. For the evaluation of the car 'adequacy'a non-dimensional criterion number Nv was proposed.This number 1ises with the rising weight (safety), speed, lowerfuel consumption and faster acceleration. The usual Nv valuesat JOOkm!h are between 1 and 3 for the majority of ordinarycars. Statistics comprising a great number of cars in the past decadesshowed that the said criterion number turned out to be anadequate parameter for the assessment of development trends.Experiments showed that a higher criterion number value inreal traffic does not represent much advantage even in dynamicdriving.

Igor Trupac
2008 (Vol 20), Issue 1
Today, the countries of Central and Eastern Europe ( CEE)have developed into a fast growing and promising part of Europe.The vision of the management of the Port of Koper is tobecome the most important logistics centre for these countries.In the future the North Adriatic region will have to cope withfurther challenge, i. e. an increasing presence of the Asian Pacificeconomies on the European continent and in the CEEcountries in particular. For the traffic flows from this source,from the geo-transport aspects the North Adriatic is the mostconvenient seaway/ route.It was for this reason that the P011 of Koper as a key companytogether with other companies joined the pilot project -STLC (Slovenian Transport Logistics Cluster) as a stakeholder.The main purpose of STLC is to promote the Sloveniantransport route.Clusters definitely represent a novelty to the Slovenianeconomy, yet in other parts of the world clusters are known asimportant stimulation factor in the field of development. Hencethey enabled the assertion of competitive advantages, which ledto their international prevalence.This paper aims to: (I) review the current state of the developmentof Slovenian transport logistics cluster, (II) assess thepotential benefits of such a cluster for Slovenia and the membersof STLC, (III) introduce initial presentations, experiencesand results.

Damir Zec, Vlado Frančić, Igor Rudan
2008 (Vol 20), Issue 1
This paper analyzes the level of implementation of the ISPSCode in the Croatian ports. The analysis is based on the PortState Control inspections as the most important controllingmechanisms for evaluation of the adherence to the internationalregulations. In this respect the analysis of the security-relatedmeasures in ports is ca'ied out implicitly - it is based onthe analysis of the security-related deficiencies found on shipssince ISPS Code came into force. The period of one and a halfyears, from the beginning of the ISPS Code implementation, isconsidered to be representative to provide initial assessment ofthe effectiveness of the implemented security measures. In addition,the paper presents conclusions based on the comparisonof results of security-related inspections in Croatian ports withdata presented by the Paris and other MOU inspection database.

Dragica Dalić, Sanja Durbek, Adrijana Orlić Babić
2008 (Vol 20), Issue 1
The quality of transportation se1vices understands quickness,accuracy and safety at minimal costs for the carrier andthe service user. Possible emergency situations may bring substantialmaterial and business damage both to the service userand to the transportation service provider. Carrier's liability insurancegives the carrier security in case of evidenced full orpartial loss or damage of goods, as well as in case of delay in delivery.The insurance allows annulment of carrier's costs generatedby emergency situations which favourably affects the operationof transportation companies and allows maintenance ofthe quality of the carrier's se1vices. The work analyses the presenceof can·ier's liability insurance in the Republic of Croatia atfive insurance companies, through the analysis of the totalnumber of insurances and the number of insured vehicles, followingthe trend in this type of insurance and its influence onthe quality of the carrier services.

Alžbeta Bielikova
2008 (Vol 20), Issue 1
The article deals with corporate culture in transport organization.The corporate culture has a momentary character and itis affected by continual confrontation with business prioritiesand by movement of external environment. For this reason theactivity of transport organization must be still adapted to customerexpectations and needs and c01porate culture must beadapted to this objective.

Lukša Novak, Pero Bilas, Mate Melvan
2008 (Vol 20), Issue 1
airport system; catchment zones; tourism; competition; marketliberalization

Mario Šafran, Darko Babić, Dubravko Tomašić
2008 (Vol 20), Issue 1
Planning of distribution understands the development of afeasible and viable distribution plan of finished products fromthe producers, via logistics and distribution centres, storage orcrossdocking, to end users. Furthermore, planning represents asupp01t to decision-making by identifying the alternatives of thefuture activities and by selecting the good and optimal ones. It isimportant to note that the scope of planning of logistics and distributionprocesses is not limited only to the planning of production,transport or distribution. It covers the entire logisticsand distribution process with all these elements.

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