Vol. 17 No. 1 (2005)
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Tone Magister
2005 (Vol 17), Issue 1
The relative speeds of aircraft in possible conflict encounterare soaring up to or even above 0.5km/s, meaning that the periodof time which includes conflict detection, reaction, andstrategical resolution of conflict, etc., before initiation of conflictavoidance maneuvering is short. Therefore, and since currentground based systems for managing, controlling and handlingaircraft movements is near its maximum capacity, the existingground based control has to be enhanced by the autonomousanti-collision and anti-conflict airborne system. Avoidanceprocedures with descent in front of the intruder are demonstratedas a continuation of autonomous airborne separationresearch begun with conflict avoidance involving descentbehind the intruder. The following continuation is necessQ/ybecause descending behind the intruder is a safe avoidanceonly when initial vertical separation exceeds the defined verticalseparation minimum.
Iztok Ostan
2005 (Vol 17), Issue 1
In order to decipher the organisational behaviour operatingin the transport sector of the economy it is necessary to discoverthe prevalent patterns of social exploitation at work. PreliminaJyresults of a study of experienced irregular traffic studentsshow that, according to them there is no significant differencein Slovenia between exploitation in traffic and other sectors.Thus, general models of exploitation could be used to explainthe behaviour in the traffic sector. Empirical research amongSlovene students showed that according to their statements inthe 90s the managerial and capitalistic types of exploitation prevailedin Slovenia over non-exploitative types of economic behaviour.It also showed that statements of students do not differmuch from those of the general public regarding this question,nor from the statements of irregular students with extensivework experience. It was also found that there were no substantialdifferences between the statements of Italian and Slovenestudents regarding the type of exploitation operative in theircountries. Students of traffic are basically of the same opinionregarding this topic as students in general, though slightly morecritical, especially towards business managers and politicians.
Slavko Roguljić, Stanislav Pavlin, Sanja Steiner
2005 (Vol 17), Issue 1
Optimisation of business processes represents the basis ofimproving the competitiveness of the Ailport as a service pro·vider. This directly implies not only the analysis and creation ofthe model of current organisation and technological processesbut also the necessity to measure these processes in order to reorganiseand improve them. Consequently, the Split AitportAuthority considers the functional analysis of its business processesas one of the major issues. Since in April2002 the analysisand modelling were completed in all the organisational unitsof handling setvice and cargo department organisational structures,both of the organisational structure of these services, aswell as of processes of aircraft, passenger, baggage and cargohandling, this paper will analyse the implementation of ARISComputer System at Split Airport Ground Handling Process.
Dražen Cvitanić, Deana Breški
2005 (Vol 17), Issue 1
This paper presents an analysis of the existing traffic signalwarrants and the cmresponding threshold values. The analysisof unsignalized intersections was conducted according to theanalytical procedures of Highway capacity manual. Traffic signaloptimization was conducted using Synchro software. Theresults showed that the cun-ent wan·ants are not sufficiently reliablein some situations and can be misleading in the process ofselecting the intersection control type. There are three majorreasons for insufficient reliability of the existing wan·ants. First,they are p1imarily based on total major and subject minor streetvolumes, so they do not take into account all the possible combinationsof volume distribution and composition of the turningmaneuvers. Second, they do not make difference betweenthree-leg T intersections and four-leg intersections, and finallythey are based only on an overall system operation without regm·ding the functionality of a specific approach.
Stanislav Božičnik, Konrad Schliephake
2005 (Vol 17), Issue 1
The paper analyses the main technical and economic elementsof the cwrent European rail freight market and presentsthe basic concepts of possible new technologies in the railfreight system. They would enable the railways to enter the morerewarding niches of the freight transport market. In an attemptto understand better the problems of introducing innovationsinto the transport sector this paper also considers the theoreticalframework and analyses the implementation paths of the proposedtechnological innovations. New technologies are confrontedwith various barriers and difficulties created by the existingand dominant technological paradigms. These are oftenpoweiful enough to prevent the introduction of alternatives andpromising innovations. The empirical part of the paper focuseson the possibilities of combining the existing innovative railfreight technologies which could, with the appropriate organizationalsolutions (time-tables) and political support, increasethe competitiveness of the rail freight transport in new andpromising market segments.
Ratko Zelenika, Drago Sever, Sabina Zebec, Bojan Pirš
2005 (Vol 17), Issue 1
From its theoretical and practical point of view, traffic isone of the fundamental factors of the economy in a state. In thedeveloped European countries, a rational production of transportse1vices is presented by multimodal transport and the correctselection of a logistic operator. The aim of multimodaltransport is to link together different forms of traffic in the mosteffective way, as well as all operations considering transport.The logistic operator is the only professional to pe1Jorm compleleservices in multimodal transport, therefore it wasnecesany to enable its further development and, in accordancewith that, to suggest suitable solutions. An increase of the existingand the creation of new traffic cwTents can only be achievedwith the development of multimodaltransport, the correct selectionof logistic operator and better organisation of the trafficsystem. In the future, the Republic of Slovenia should continuedeveloping multi modal transport in order to decrease the differencesin forms of transport in the developed European countriesin the shortest time possible. The main task of the Republicof Slovenia is to integrate into the European flows as soon aspossible, engage in a reciprocal cooperation by liberalization offlows of commodities and services, and create conditions forthe inflow of foreign capital where all advantages of multimodaltransport come into consideration. The result of the researchis a model of multimodal transport logistic operatorconnecting the basic elements of that transport.
Adolf Malić, Marko Pušić, Milan Gredelj
2005 (Vol 17), Issue 1
Parking issue is one of the major problems in Zagreb, andin relation to that Zagreb does not differ from other similar orbigger European cities. The problem the city is facing is beingpresented in the paper. It is complex and can be solved gradually,using operative and planning measures, by applying influentialparameters assessments based on which the appropriateparking-garage spaces assessment would be selected. Besides,all the knowledge learned from experiences of similar Europeancities should be used in resolving stationary traffic problem.Introduction of fast public urban transport would providepassengers with improved services (particularly in relation tothe travelling time) introducing modern traffic system thatwould reduce the travelling time to below 30 minutes for the farthestrelations. Further improvement in reducing parking problemsin downtown as well as Zagreb broader area would not bepossible without t,nplementing th.s approach.