Gizem Temelcan
Hale Gonce Kocken
Inci Albayrak
This paper focuses on converting the system optimum traffic assignment problem (SO-TAP) to system optimum fuzzy traffic assignment problem (SO-FTAP). The SO-TAP aims to minimize the total system travel time on road network between the specified origin and destination points. Link travel time is taken as a linear function of fuzzy link flow; thus each link travel time is constructed as a triangular fuzzy number. The objective function is expressed in terms of link flows and link travel times in a non-linear form while satisfying the flow conservation constraints. The parameters of the problem are path lengths, number of lanes, average speed of a vehicle, vehicle length, clearance, spacing, link capacity and free flow travel time. Considering a road network, the path lengths and number of lanes are taken as crisp numbers. The average speed of a vehicle and vehicle length are imprecise in nature, so these are taken as triangular fuzzy numbers. Since the remaining parameters, that are clearance, spacing, link capacity and free flow travel time are determined by the average speed of a vehicle and vehicle length, they will be triangular fuzzy numbers. Finally, the original SO-TAP is converted to a fuzzy quadratic programming (FQP) problem, and it is solved using an existing approach from literature. A numerical experiment is illustrated.
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Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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