Stojka Arnautova-Bulat
The fatigue of train drivers has been dealt with both from theoretical and practical standpoint in conjunction with respective examples from the practice. The appearance of fatigue has been viewed as a result of changes detected in the blood and urine, higher pulse rate, decreased ventilation of the respiratory organs etc. Owing to these changes the driver’s working capacity i. e. actual performance is reduced, he becomes sleepy without being able to resist it, so the driver falls asleep on his working post in the drive rs 's cab. To illustrate the situation the author has reviewed the severe rail accident that happened at the Zagreb Main Station in 1974. Making the driver fit for his further operation is possible only through and after an appropriate rest which refers in the first place to repose in quiet and other conditions indispensable for a sound and comfortable sleep. After such adequate rest all bodily and working functions of the driver grant a good and safety-aspected operation of the locomotive.
Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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