Ivan Bortas
Arhitektika projekt d.o.o. Samobor
Nikolina Brnjac
Fakultet prometnih znanosti, SveuÄiliÅ¡ta u Zagrebu
Čedomir Dundović
Pomorski fakultet, SveuÄiliÅ¡ta u Rijeci
The transport policy of the European Union is based on the mission of restructuring road traffic into other and energy-favourable transport modes which have not been sufficiently represented yet. Therefore, the development of the inland waterway and rail transport, and connectivity in the intermodal transport network are development planning priorities of the European transport strategy. The aim of this research study was to apply the scientific methodology and thus analyse the factors that affect the distribution of the goods flows and by using the fuzzy logic to make an optimization model, according to the criteria of minimizing the costs and negative impact on the environment, for the selection of the optimal transport route. Testing of the model by simulation, was performed on the basis of evaluating the criteria of the influential parameters with unprecise and indefinite input parameters. The testing results show that by the distribution of the goods flow from road transport network to inland waterways or rail transport, can be predicted in advance and determine the transport route with optimal characteristics. The results of the performed research study will be used to improve the process of planning the transport service, with the aim of reducing the transport costs and environmental pollution.
European Commission. Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area - Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system. White paper 2011. Available from: https://ec.europa.eu/transport/themes/strategies/2011_white_paper_en
de Jong G, Gunn HF, Walker W. National and international freight transport models: overview and ideas for future development. Transport Reviews. 2004;24(1): 103-124.
Tavasszy L. Freight Modeling: An Overview of International Experiences. Proceedings of the Conference on Freight Demand Modelling: Tools for Public Sector Decision Making, 25-27 Sep 2006, Washington DC. TRB; 2008.
Bonato J. Skenderović J. Dobrinić J.: Control of crane operation by fuzzy logic, Pomorski zbornik Posebno izdanje (Maritime Proceedings Special Edition), 273-281, Rijeka, 2016., str. 273- 280.
Eurostat. Available from: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat [Accessed 24th December 2016]
United Nationals Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). Review of Maritime Transport. New Y
Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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