Hongluan Zhao
School of Science, Tianjin Chengjian University
Mengmeng Su
Continuing Education College, Weifang University
With the continuous increase of urban vehicles, traffic congestion becomes severe in the metropolitan areas and higher car utilisation areas. The traffic signal timing scheme can effectively alleviate traffic congestion at intersections. We need to make a profound study in the traffic signal timing. An optimisation model is established, which not only takes the average delay time of vehicles, the number of vehicle stops and the traffic capacity, but also takes the exhaust emissions as the evaluation indexes. The model is too complex and involves too many variables to be solved by using multi-objective programming. Thus, the Harris Hawks Optimisation (HHO) with few parameters and high search accuracy was used to solve the model. To avoid the disadvantages of poor search performance and easy to fall into local optimisation of the Harris Hawks Algorithm, multi-strategy improvements were introduced. The experimental effects show that during the peak hours of traffic flow, the improved algorithm can reduce the average vehicle delay by 36.7%, the exhaust emission by 31.2% and increase the vehicle capacity by 41.6%. The above indicators have also been upgraded during the low peak stage.
Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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