Ernest Bazijanac
Ivan Mavrin
Silvestar Perše
The work analyses the possibility to diagnose the overalloperation of the piston engine based on the crankshaft angularspeed. The testing was camed out on the basis of the mathematicalmodel-simulator of malfunctioning. The possibilityfor diagnostics based on the lack of uniformity of the crankshaftspeed has been confirmed and the continuation of experimentingin practice with the proposed method justified.
E. K. Faller: Automated Diagnostic Systems for Military
Trucks, SAE Paper No.760835
J. R. Wood, J. J. Bethell: The Development of Automotive
Diagnostics System for A1moured Fighting Vehicles
in the British Army, London, IMechE Conference Publications,
D. Radonic: Analiza utjecajnih parametara na ravnomjernost
obrtanja kolenastog vratila motora SUS za vozila,
Kragujevac, Motorna vozila Motori, br. 17, 1977
E. Bazijanac: Razvoj radne stanice za sintezu funkcionalnih
modela automatskih dijagnostickih sistema, Zagreb,
OTES'91, 1991
Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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