Ivan Marković
Damir Božičević
Dragan Badanjak
The geo-traffic advantages of the Republic of Croatia havenot yet been evaluated as a whole. The traffic-maritime valorisationis included in the strategy of long-term development ofCroatia. This particularly implies the constntction and modernisationof the sophisticated railway and road traffic routesconnecting the Danube region and the Adriatic, especiallyalong the transversal corridor the Danube region - Zagreb -Rijeka - maritime markets, and then towards other maritimeand river ports. At the same time, the application of these technologiesshould be reconstntcted longitudinally from the Westto the East. The container and piggyback terminals and cargotransport centres (RTC) should be primarily constructed, regularcontainer and piggyback trains established and connected,by sea ports and shipping, first of all through the port of Rijeka,with various maritime markets.In this way, higher rationalisation would be achieved, firstof all in traffic, then in economy and the community as a whole,with a far greater traffic safety, environmental protection, majorforeign exchange inflow, etc.
Analiza poslovanja trg. momari.ce, PZPBJ, for the
period from 1980 to 1990
Reports of ship operator and port companies of Croatia,
Statistical yearbook of the Republic of Croatia, 1990 -
Statistics of Jt, 1980- 1986
Statistics of Hi, 1990- 1996
Udruga morskih brodara Hrvatske, Zagreb, 1986
D. Bozicevic: lntegralni transportni sustavi kopno-luke-
brodarstvo, Suvremeni promet, 1986, 1-2
Ratimir Doveear: Spediter u funkcjii poduzetnika multimodalnog
transporta u izmijenjenim triiSnim uvjetima i
integracijama, Doctoral Dissertation, Zagreb, 1998
I. Markovic, D. Bozicevic, D. Badanjak: Suvremene
transportne tehnologije u sluzbi ravnomjemog razvoja
prometnih grana, Suvremeni promet 3-4/98, Zagreb
Pri.jedlog strategije prometnog razvoja R. Hrvatske, Ministarstvo
pomorstva, prometa i veza Hrvatske, May,
Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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