Sanja Steiner
Željko Radačić
Miroslav Mikula
Full implementation of the final phase of EATCHIP isplanned for the beginning of the 21' century. It will re-define theEuropean system of air traffic regulation and control. The integrationof a great number of ATC systems into a unique operativenetwork is supported by the technical modernisation andstandardisation of the communication, navigation and radardevices. Integration of Croatia into the European air trafficcontrol system assumes its active participation in the cun·entprojects, implementation of relevant technical standards andthe national air traffic development strategy within the contextof Euro-atlantic integration.
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Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Department
of Air Transport, Zagreb, 1998
Steiner S., Pavlin S., Mavrin 1.: Geotraffic position of
the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
within the European and intercontinental airways system.
Faculty of traffic and communications University of
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Academy of Sciences and Arts, Symposium 'Position
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the European Transport and Communication Corridors',
Sarajevo, June, 1997, Proceedings, pp. 35-38
Steiner S.: Sigumost u zracnom prometu, Dio 1/. Faculty
of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Zagreb, 1998
Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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