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Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science

Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science

Copyright (c) 2024 Elena Maggi, Giorgio Maggi

The Adriatic Corridor: a Strategic Part of the European Transport Network


Elena Maggi

Giorgio Maggi



The article describes the project of the Adriatic Corridor,analysing the European and Italian framework in which itcould be collocated, the planned structure of the Corridor interms of geographic extension and infrastructure elements, themain objectives of the project, the works that it includes, thepresent obstacles to its development and, finally, the presentand future freight and passenger transport demand in the areacovered by the Corridor.The realisation of the Adriatic Corridor is considered strategicin order to contribute to achieving the main objectives ofthe European transport policy: the territorial and economic cohesionof the EU Countries, the development of the trade withthe non-EU regions and a sustainable mobility.


  1. (1] Commission of the European Communities (1997),

    Proposal for a European Parliament and Council

    Decision amending Decision N' 1692/96/EC as regards

    seaports, inland ports and intermodal terminals,


    (2] Commission of the European Communities (1992),

    The White Paper, Growth, Competition and Employment.

    Commission of the European Communities (1996),

    Decision on Community Guidelines for the Development

    of the Trans-European Transp011 Network, 23.07.1996.

    (4] Ministero dei trasporti e della navigazione, direzione

    generate programmazione, organizzazione e coordinamento

    (1996), fl Corridoio Adriatico, marzo 1996.

    (5] Protocollo d'Intesa tra le RegioniAdriatiche allo scopo di

    promuovere e sostenere la realizzazione del Corridoio

    Adriatico nell'ambito delle reti transeuropee di trasporto,

    ottobre 1995.

    (6] Coordinamento delle regioni adriatiche, comitato di

    progetto (1996), Studio di prefattibilita,

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How to Cite
Maggi, E. (et al.) 1900. The Adriatic Corridor: a Strategic Part of the European Transport Network. Traffic&Transportation Journal. 10, 5-6 (Jan. 1900), 257-264. DOI: https://doi.org/.


Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD

Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD

Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science |
2024 © Promet - Traffic&Transportation journal