Ondrej Cyprich
University of Žilina
Vladimír Konečný
University of Žilina
Katarína Kiliánová
University of Žilina
The purpose of the paper is to identify and analyse the forecasting performance of the model of passenger demand for suburban bus transport time series, which satisfies the statistical significance of its parameters and randomness of its residuals. Box-Jenkins, exponential smoothing and multiple linear regression models are used in order to design a more accurate and reliable model compared the ones used nowadays. Forecasting accuracy of the models is evaluated by comparative analysis of the calculated mean absolute percent errors of different approaches to forecasting. In accordance with the main goal of the paper was identified the ARIMA model, which fulfils almost all statistical criterions with an exception of the model residuals normality. In spite of the limitation, the best forecasting abilities of identified model have been proven in comparison with other approaches to forecasting in the paper. The published findings of research will have positive influence on increasing the forecasting accuracy in the process of passenger demand forecasting.
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Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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