Jelenko Švetak
Although a recognised phenomenon affecting a vessel, particularlyin shallow and confined wate1ways, squat is difficult tocalculate, quantify and apply.Many different factors affect its impact. It is always a predictedfigure, depending on factors that may at any given timebe unknown or difficult to asce11ain with any degree of accuracy.It involves, but is not limited to the input of informationfrom the vessel's particulars, as well as those of the limitationsof the wale/Way to be transited, traffic interaction, factor oftides and tidal streams, currents and prevailing weather etc.The knowledge of squat, its calculation and application ofsafe margins, and timely preventive action (reduction of speed)may save a vessel from grounding and its aftermath. Lack ofappreciation of squat can prove to be ve1y costly.
Barrass, C. B.: 'Ship squat manual', Polytechnic
International Luton (1978).
BARRASS, C. B. 'A Unified Approach to SQUAT
calculations for ships'. Conference on 'Shiphandling'
organised by The Nautical Institute (November 1977).
Yamaguchi et al. 'Full scale tests on Sinkage of a
Supertanker through Shallow water'. Nautical Society
of Japan. (January 1968).
Bayer, G. S. 'Ship Design, Resistance and Screw
Propulsion', Vol. 1, page 221. Birchall (1951).
Todd, F. H. 'Ship Hull Vibration', Arnold (1961).
LACKENBY, H. 'The effect of Shallow water on ship
speed'. Shipbuilder and Marine Engine-Builder.
(September 1963).
RAWSON, K. J. and Basic Ship Theory, page 323.
Longman (1968). TUPPER, E.C.
BARRASS, C. B. 'Calculating Squat - a practical
approach'. 'Safety at Sea' Journal (February 1978).
Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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