Wolf Tietze
The occurrence of outstanding transport innovations maylead to monumental reconstruction in large urbanised regionssuch as North America. The decisive factor in this is the introductionofTransrapid, a new rapid transport technology basedon the principle of magnetic levitation (Maglev).This paper uses the urban network of North America Eastof the 1 O(Jh meridian, together with the smaller region of California,to demonstrate the advantages of innovative transporttechnology as the optimal link between road and air transport.Despite requiring less energy input, achieving better adaptationto the topography of the country, causing less noise and beingsubject to less wear and tear, Transrapid achieves almost twicethe speed of conventional trains.
J W. R. StanJey: Assessment of 'Berlins Position im europiiischen Verkehr des 21. Jahrhunderts'. Europa Regional 5 (1997), 1, 45-50.
Maglev System Transrapid. Technology and System.
Miinchen 1996.
Concept to System Leadership, Miinchen 1997.
W. Tietze (ed.): Transrapid-VerkehrinEuropa. GeoColleg
, 107 pp., 39 figs., 2 tabs. appendix, Borntraeger,
Berlin-Stuttgart 1998.
J W. R. StanJey: Assessment of 'Berlins Position im europiiischen
Verkehr des 21. Jahrhunderts'. Europa
Regional 5 (1997), 1, 45-50.
W. Tietze: High Speed Transport for Passengers and Mail
in North America in the 21-'' Century. In: Planning for Social
and Cultural Development. Akron/Ohio (in press).
Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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