Teodor Perić
Nada Štrumberger
Gordana Štefančić
The quantification and types of costs in the river/touristtransport can be approached from different viewpoints.In river transport, the respective division into individualgroups or types, as compared to the total costs appears to be ofinterest.Apparent is the interdependence of individual costs and thelevel of utilisation of ship capacities (during a pleasure voyage).The basic costs of transport in river (liner) shipping are,thus, the costs of ship 's liner voyage, at average utilisation of thecapacities corresponding to the long-term anticipated demandfor ship space and specified profit, as well as the costs of capital.In the system of tourist/river transport. the costs involve:- total fued costs,- total variable costs, and-total voyage costs.All these groups include their sub-types in relation to shipvoyage, in quality and quantity terms.
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Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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