Ivan Bošnjak
Juraj Buzolić
Vjekoslav Čerkez
Fast development and implementation of new telecommunicationservices and Intelligent Transp01t Systems (ITS) havecreated new environment for the network telecom operatorsand service providers and logistic and transport enterprises. Thecmcial issue for successful business and other professional applicationsis the provision of the end-to-end quality of service inthe inter-network operation of mobile and fixed networks. Theproblem was less expressed in the traditional networks orientedto telephony, but the issue of different QoS algorithms growswith the spreading of data transmission services and multimediaapplications. The existence of different QoS algorithms andprocedures in the !?-based networks (JP- Internet Protocol)also makes difficult the finding of a single solution for the implementationofQoS in the !?-based networks. In the indicatedcontext this work systemically defines the problem of providinga single end-to-end QoS protocol in the connected UMTS/IPnetworks. The possibilities of its realization are presented on theexample of two protocols. The work gives the basic characteristicsof the two protocols that fulfil the criteria set in the realizationof the new generation of mobile networks.
(1] Bosnjak, 1.: New Teletraffic Technologies (Internal Contributions)
FPZ, Zagreb, 2004.
(2] J. Guenkova-Luy, A. Kassler: 'End-to-End Quality of
Service Coordination Models for Mobile Networks',
WSEAS !SA '04, Florida (USA), April 2004.
(3) J. Hillebrand, C. Prehofer, R. Bless, M. Zitterbart:
'Quality-of- Service Signaling For Next-Generation IP-
Based Mobile Networks', IEEE Communications Magazine,
pp. 72-79, June 2004.
(4) J, Hillebrand, C. Prehofer, R. Bless, M. Zitterbart:
'End-to-End QoS Specification Issues in the Converged
All-JP Wired and Wireless Environment' ,IEEE Communications
Magazine, pp. 80-86, June 2004.
V. Gardasevic: 'Implementacija kvaliteta usluga od kraja
do kraja u integriranim UMTS i JP mreiama', Telfor,
Belgrade, 2004.
(6) A. Mankin et al.: 'Resource ReSerVation Protocol
(RSVP)', IETF RFC 2208, September 1997.
(7) S. Blake et al.: 'An Architecture for Differentiated Services'
Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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