Elen Twrdy
Fakulteta za pomorstvo in promet
Andrej Androjna
Fakulteta za pomorstvo in promet
Marko Pavliha
Fakulteta za pomorstvo in promet
In the modern world, the sea is one of the most important resources for the economy and welfare of the country that has access to it and so is the sense of security. Meeting today’s security challenges requires a wide spectrum of civil and military instruments. It calls for regular coordination, consultation and interaction among all actors involved, and it requires a national multifunctional Structure.
The paper presents the search for new systematic forms to ensure adequate maritime security and safety at sea. Based on the research on successfully organized similar foreign institutions in relation to the national security institutions in the maritime domain the Coast Guard model of the Republic of Slovenia has been designed. The model could significantly improve the level of efficiency and consistency of national authorities in the area of control, security and safety of the territorial sea and rationalize expenditures. Implementing the proposed model and placing it in the national security and defence system, is a challenge and also a need.
ECOTEC study, for DG Maritime Affairs, 2006.
Vaněk O, Jakob M, Hrstka O, Pěchouček M. Agent-based model of maritime traffic in piracy-affected waters. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 2013; 36:157-176.
Twrdy E. A model for the optimal service of Northern Adriatic ports with container ships. [dissertation]. Portorož, Slovenia: Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport; 2003, p. 1-10.
Zuiderwijk R. The Commanders Respond - Piracy. The international monetary crisis. Terrorism. Global Warming. US Naval Institute Proceedings, Annapolis, 2009; p. 27.
Band J. The Commanders Respond - Piracy. The international monetary crisis. Terrorism. Global Warming. US Naval Institute Proceedings, Annapolis, 2009; p. 33.
La Rosa P. Dialogue & Cooperation for Maritime Surveillance. Proceedings of the 7th Regional Seapower Symposium for the Navies of the Mediterranean and Black Sea; 2008 Oct 14-17; Venice, Italy; 2008.
Papa P. US and EU strategies for maritime transpo
Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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