Igor Vujović
Ivica Kuzmanić
Zlatan Kulenović
Strain gauges are used in different areas, especially in thedesign and development of new technical constructions andmode/testing. Also, strain gauges are inc01porated in the functionalpart of many instruments and devices. They are mostlyused as sensors in transducers designed to measure such mechanicalquantities as forces, moments, pressures, accelerations,etc. They have an important role in shipbuilding and marinetransport in general. In this paper we have suggested andshown an approach to the identification of strain gauge thermaloutput curve on the example of a product available at themarket. Neural network simulated in MatLab has been applied.The neural network has been adapted to simulate a realsystem with 1 o-9 order of magnitude error_ As it is well known,strain gauges measure deformations of 1 o-o order of magnitude.It is obvious that the network eJTOr cannot influence the measurementresults because of its being smaller by three orders ofmagnitude.
(1] *, Strain Gauge Measurement -A Tutorial, National
Instruments, Application Note 078, 1998.
(2] K. Schulze, Experimentelle MejJtechnik in Maschinen
und Stahlbau, VE Verlang Technik, Berlin, 1988.
(3] I. Alfirevic, Nauka o cvrstoCi, Tehnicka knjiga, Zagreb,
(4] J. W. Dally, Experimental stress analysis, McGrow-Hill,
Singapure, 1987.
*,Strain Gauge Transducers,
(6] *,PCB Technical Support- Introduction to Piezoelectric
Pressure Sensors, http://www.pcb.com/tech_press.html
*,PCB Technical Support- Introduction to Piezoelectric
Force Sensors, http://www.pcb.com/tech_press.html
*, Strain Gauge Thermal Output and Gauge Factor
Variation with Temperature,
A. P. Roskilly, E. Mesbahi, Marine System Modeling
Using Artificial Neural Networks: an Introduction to the
The01y and Practice, TranslmarE, vol. 1
Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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