Henrikas Sivilevičius
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
Lijana Maskeliūnaitė
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
The choice of a particular mode of transport as an alternative to another one is subjective and usually based on an individual passenger’s approach to the evaluation of advantages and disadvantages of some particular means of transport. The paper presents the methods of analysing the reasons for passengers’ choice of travelling by train as an alternative to using air transport and the results obtained in the research. The 16 criteria (sub-criteria), describing the advantages of travelling by rail over air travel, are defined. The data of the survey questionnaire filled by 52 passengers of the Vilnius–Moscow train and the ranks assigned by them to the considered criteria are described. The average ranks of all 16 criteria and their normalized subjective weights are calculated by using a new method of average rank transformation into weight (ARTIW). The average ranks assigned by the passengers of the train to sub-criteria and the calculated global weights show what criteria are most important. Using the inverse hierarchy model based on the sub-criteria weights, the most and the least important groups of criteria are determined. The institutions and companies engaged in passenger transportation by rail, which give priority to improving the services described by the most important criteria, can make this mode of transport more attractive to people.
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Lai Y-C (R), Lu C-T, Hsu Y-W. Optimal allocation of life-cycle cost, system reliability, and service reliability in passenger rail system design. Transportation Research Record. 2015;2475: 46-53. Available from: doi:10.3141/2475-06
Surzhin KV, Muktepavel SV. Otsenka vliyaniya faktorov chislennosti naseleniya na ob’em passazhirskikh perevozok. Vestnik VNIIZhT. 2015;4: 59-64. Russian [5] Saidi S, Wirasinghe SC, Kattan L. Rail transit. Exploration with emphasis on networks with ring lines. Transportation Research Record. 2014;2419: 23-32. Available from: do
Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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