Jingxian Wu
School of Transportation, Southeast University;
Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Urban ITS, Southeast University;
Jiangsu Province Collaborative Innovation Center of Modern Urban Traffic Technologies.
Min Yang
School of Transportation, Southeast University;
Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Urban ITS, Southeast University;
Jiangsu Province Collaborative Innovation Center of Modern Urban Traffic Technologies.
Shangjue Sun
School of Transportation, Southeast University;
Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Urban ITS, Southeast University;
Jiangsu Province Collaborative Innovation Center of Modern Urban Traffic Technologies.
Jingyao Zhao
Nanjing Institute of City& Transport Planning Co., Ltd;
F10-12, Transport Building, 63 Zhujiang, Nanjing, 210096, P. R. China
Urban rail transit trips usually involve multiple stages, which can be differentiated in terms of transfers that may involve distinct access and egress modes. Most studies on access and egress mode choices of urban rail transit have separately examined the two mode choices. However, in reality, the two choices are temporally correlated. This study, therefore, has sequentially applied the mixed logit to examine the contributors of access and egress mode choices of urban metro commuters using the data from a recent survey conducted in Nanjing, China. 9 typical multimodal combinations constituted by 5 main access modes (walk, bike, electric bike, bus, and car) and 2 main egress modes (walk and bus) are included in the study. The result proves that the model is reliable and reproductive in analyzing access/egress mode choices of metro commuters. Estimation results prove the existence of time constraint and service satisfaction effect of access trip on commuters’ egress mode choice and reveal the importance of transfer infrastructure and environments that serve for biking, walking, bus riding, and car parking in commuter’s connection choice. Also, policy implications are segmentally concluded for the transfer needs of commuters in different groups to encourage the use of metro multimodal trips.
Clifton, Kelly, and Christopher Muhs. Capturing and representing multimodal trips in travel surveys: Review of the practice. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2012; 2285: 74-83.
Givoni, M., & Rietveld, P. The access journey to the railway station and its role in passengers’ satisfaction with rail travel. Transport Policy. 2007;14(5): 357-365.
Guo, Z., & Wilson, N. H. Assessing the cost of transfer inconvenience in public transport systems: A case study of the London Underground. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 2011; 45(2): 91-104.
Heinen, E., & Bohte, W. Multimodal Commuting to Work by Public Transport and Bicycle: Attitudes Toward Mode Choice. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2014; 2468:111-122.
Guo, Z., & Wilson, N. Modeling effects of transit system transfers on travel behavior: case of commuter rail and subway in Downtown Boston, Massachusetts. Transportation Research
Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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