Vladimir Dragan Popović
Pavle Gladović
Milica Miličić
Milan Stanković
According to the European Committee (EC) on Transport, the future road transport strategy lies in creating a strong road transport sector which is based on a well-functioning internal market, fair competition and workers’ rights, decarbonization, and use of digital technologies. Urban and suburban passenger transportation systems, according to the principles of the EC, have a key role in achieving the goal of sustainable development and sustainable transport in cities. The fare, ticketing, and payment modes have a significant impact on public urban transport systems, primarily in terms of collecting transport service fees, and represent the basic source of financing of such systems, in addition to subsidies and grants from city budgets. This paper presents the selection methodology of the optimal fare system for urban public transport, applicable for all cities with an organized public city passenger transport (PCPT) system. Based on the established criteria with respect to setting tariff limits and fare systems, passenger demand, and the enterprise organizing the transport, the tariff system was selected. The presented method is that of multi- criteria optimization of the tariff system with numerical results on the example of the City of Novi Sad.
W. R. Clarke, Development in Multi-Modal Ticketing, in Public Transport International, IV, 1993, pp. 15-19.
J. A. Bonsall, Vers un système tarifaire plus équitable et plus rentable? I'expérience d'Ottawa: tarifs modulés selon Í'heure de la journée, in Public Transport International, I, 1988, pp. 11-39.
P. Gladović, Tarifna politika u Javnom Gradskom Putničkom Prevozu, Beograd, PC Program, 1995.
F. Torgusen and M. Gerard, Fare Systems and Fare Collection - Recent Development and Future Aspects, at 46th International VITP Congress, Brisel, 1985.
Fakultet tehničkih nauka Univerziteta u Novom Sadu, Analiza i ocena sistema javnog gradskog i prigradskog prevozg putnika u Novom Sadu, Novi Sad, 2011.
R. Banković, Organizacija i tehnologija Javnog Gradskog Putničkog Prevoza, Beograd, Saobraćajni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 1994.
P. Gladovic, V. Popovic, V. Peulic, Expenditure model of line ranking in te Public Mass Passenger Transportation System, Zagreb, Promet
Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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