Ali Akbar Safaei
Amirkabir university of technology
Hassan Ghassemi
Amirkabir university of technology
Mahmoud Ghiasi
Amirkabir university of technology
Fuel consumption of marine vessels plays an important role in both generating air pollution and ship operational expenses where the global environmental concerns toward air pollution and economics of shipping operation are being increased. In order to optimize ship fuel consumption, the fuel consumption prediction for her envisaged voyage is to be known. To predict fuel consumption of a ship, noon report (NR) data are available source to be analysed by different techniques. Because of the possible human error attributed to the method of NR data collection, it involves risk of possible inaccuracy. Therefore, in this study, to acquire pure valid data, the NR raw data of two very large crude carriers (VLCCs) composed with their respective Automatic Identification System (AIS) satellite data. Then, well-known models i.e. K-Mean, Self-Organizing Map (SOM), Outlier Score Base (OSB) and Histogram of Outlier Score Base (HSOB) methods are applied to the collected tankers NR during a year. The new enriched data derived are compared to the raw NR to distinguish the most fitted methodology of accruing pure valid data. Expected value and root mean square methods are applied to evaluate the accuracy of the methodologies. It is concluded that measured expected value and root mean square for HOSB are indicating high coherence with the harmony of the primary NR data.
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Safaei AA, Ghassemi H, Ghiasi M. A Voyage Optimization for a Very Large Crude Carrier Oil Tanker: A Regio
Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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