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Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science

Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science

Copyright (c) 2024 Bojan Rosi

Mastering the Problematics of Competitiveness of the Modern Railway Transport Demands the Application of Dialectic ...


Bojan Rosi

Keywords:railway transport system, systems thinking, dialectic network thinking, complexity, synergy effects, problem-solving


In order to ensure a more efficient and successful managementof organisational and business systems a vast amount oftheoretical and practical instructions, techniques, methods, etc.are being offered nowadays. Without the knowledge and the applicationof the science of systems thinking we would not be in aposition to integrate the theory and practise into a single, so-called unintenupted inter-dependant dynamic process. Preciselythese (quotidian) processes give namely rise to complexproblematic situation, which cannot be solved by applying thesimple and in many cases already outdated methods.Therefore, the starting points of our research have beenbased on transcending merely conventional methods of the organisationstudy and we directed our efforts towards the intricacy- complexity1, that is, the one that we detect in theapplicative example of the problematics related to railway activities.In this manner we will for the first time represent somekey findings of several years of investigations (Rosi, 2004) andemergence of a new and original methodology of dialectic networkthinkintf in solving the complex (business) problems orproblematics that arise from them ( = interconnections, systemof problems).


  1. Birkenbihl, V. F. (1994): Training for Success, Create

    Your Reality Yourselves (Trening uspesnosti, Ustvarjajte

    si svojo resnicnost sami), Slovenian edition, SLEDI,


    Checkland, P., Holwell, S. (1998): Information, Systems,

    and Information Systems, Willey, Chichester, Great Britain.

    Duh, M., Kajzer, S. (2002): Development Models for

    Companies and Management (Razvojni modeli podjetja

    in managementa), MER Evrocenter, Published by

    MER in Maribor.


    that reason the non-routine control of the complex problematic

    situation can be regarded as the project and its

    characteristics compared to project characteristics. Thus

    the process of mastering complex problems becomes a

    target-oriented and temporally limited process, which

    has to be carried out in the project-oriented way (cf.

    Hauc 2002).


    Birkenbihl, V. F. (1994): Training for Success, Create

    Your Reality Yourselves (Trening us

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How to Cite
Rosi, B. (et al.) 1900. Mastering the Problematics of Competitiveness of the Modern Railway Transport Demands the Application of Dialectic .... Traffic&Transportation Journal. 17, 2 (Jan. 1900), 95-105. DOI: https://doi.org/.


Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD

Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD

Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science |
2024 © Promet - Traffic&Transportation journal