Arijana Macura
Dražen Kovačević
Igor Franolić
In the recent several years there has come to a rapid increasein the multimedia traffic in computer communicationnetworks. New applications of communication networks haveset new, high requirements on the networks, due to the need toprovide the users with high-quality service of multimedia datatransmission. In response to such requirements, numerousmechanisms have been developed and they insure the service ofprioritizing traffic in the communication networks which resultsin the possibility of determining the quality of service necessaryfor individual network applications.
(1] Lenardic, D.; Zovko - Cihlar, B; Grgic, M: 'Analysis of
Effects of Network Latency on Multimedia Data Transfer
in Broadband Communications Networks', EURASIP
, Zagreb, Croatia, 2003.
(2] Lenardic, D.; Zovko - Cihlar, B; Rimae - Drlje, S.:
'Analysis of Network Buffering Effects on TCP/IP Protocol
Behavior', ELMAR 2003, Zadar, Croatia, 2003.
(3] Fall, K.; Floyd, S.: 'Simulation-based Comparisons of
Tahoe, Reno and SACK TCP' - Computer Communications
Review, July 1996
Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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