Tomislav Mlinarić
Mihaela Bukljaš
Ivan Švaljek
Joining the European Union is the strategic priority for theRepublic of Croatia. Croatia has always been part of the Europeaneconomic region. The success of adaptability of the Croatianindust1y, particularly of Croatian traffic, to the EuropeanUnion, will greatly depend on the possibility of establishing contractualrelations of the economic and traffic branches with theEU. Therefore, this paper considers in more detail the traffic aspectsof integration.It is a fact that the EU traffic policy is contained in the RomanAgreement (1957) whose aim was elimination of the barriersfor the flows of goods, se1vices and capital, and the integrationof the European region. Thus, it requires equal treatmentof all the traffic branches and all the carriers, freedom forthe activities of transport companies, as welT as freedom for these1vice users to choose the transport means and carriers. Thisnaturally requires maximum rationality in fi·eight flows reflectedon the financial and commercial business activities of acompany.To converge maximally with the European Union is thestrategic priority of the Republic of Croatia, and within the Croatianindus fly this will especially require the adaptation of theCroatian traffic. The basic precondition for the functioning ofthe traffic ~ystem on the European transport market is the compliancewith the rules and standards determined by the internationalconventions.
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Croatian Government (Office for European
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Croatia), Zagreb, September 1999
J. Boiicevic: Cestovni i ieljezn.icki prometni koridori na
podrucju H1vatske i Bosne i Hercegovine- HAZU (Croatian
Academy of Sciences and Arts), Scientific Council
of Transport, Zagreb, October, 1996
F. Rotim et al.: Vainost info-komponenre u strategiji
razvoja luvatskoga prometa na prijelazu u 21. stoljeceSuvremeni
promet, 1-2, Zagreb, January-April 1996,
pp. 169-182
A. Brkic, S. Per5e: Jadranske luke kao veza /ransportnih
tokova s Podunavljem - Suvremeni promet, 5-6, Zagreb,
September-December 1999, pp. 250-252
Vlada Republike Hrvatske (Croatian Government):
Prijedlog strategije prometnog razvitka Republike Hlvatske
(Proposal of the Traffic Developmen.l
Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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