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Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science

Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science

Copyright (c) 2024 Baojie WANG, Wei YANG, Ziyao LIU, Guohua LIANG

Implications of Retrograde Behaviours on Visual and Cycling Behaviour of Normal Cyclists


Baojie WANG
Chang’an University, School of Transportation Engineering

Shaanxi Provincial Transport Planning Design and Research Institute

Ziyao LIU
Chang’an University, School of Transportation Engineering

Guohua LIANG
Chang’an University, School of Transportation Engineering

Keywords:visual behaviour, cycling behaviour, traffic safety, retrograde behaviour


In China and other developing countries, some bicycle riders exhibit retrograde behaviour, which affects the riding safety of normal cyclists. The effect of retrograde behaviour on visual search and cycling behaviours of normal cyclists is investigated and quantified in this study. First, cyclists are instructed to wear an SMI iView ETG head-mounted mobile eye tracker and a mobile phone equipped with a Global Positioning System real-time location monitoring function to cycle on a road to obtain the times of fixation, saccade and blink, as well as the pupil diameter, gaze position and velocity in normal and retrograde conditions. Subsequently, the effect of retrograde behaviour on the attention of normal cyclists is analysed using three indexes: proportion of fixation time, coefficient of variation of pupil diameter and area of interest. Then, the effect of cycling behaviour is analysed using three indexes: the cycling trajectory, the velocity at three stages and the coefficient of variation of velocity. Finally, polynomial regression analysis is performed to analyse the visual and cycling behaviour impact indexes under the retrograde condition. The results show that retrograde behaviour significantly affects the vision and cycling behaviour of normal cyclists and that the two indexes are positively correlated.


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How to Cite
WANG, B. (et al.) 2024. Implications of Retrograde Behaviours on Visual and Cycling Behaviour of Normal Cyclists. Traffic&Transportation Journal. 36, 5 (Oct. 2024), 852-866. DOI: https://doi.org/10.7307/ptt.v36i5.534.


Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD

Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD

Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science |
2024 © Promet - Traffic&Transportation journal