This paper evaluates and quantifies the adverse impact of traffic-induced vibrations on the structural systems of residential buildings and their occupants. To do this, İstanbul, one of the world’s most populous and traffic-congested cities, was selected as a case study. Firstly, a survey was conducted on 100 occupants of six neighbourhoods to understand human perception of vibrations and the physical condition of typical buildings. Then, train-induced ground vibrations were measured near a busy railway. Using the survey data and the measured train vibrations, time-history analyses were applied to five typical residential buildings. The results showed that there is a considerable contribution of higher modes to overall building response. Peak particle velocities calculated on the buildings are predominantly intolerable. Critically, 95% of the occupants would like authorities to reorganize traffic regulations to reduce the effects of this global problem. Therefore, human response to traffic-induced vibrations should be consideration of serviceability limit state and site-specific analysis should be incorporated into the codes of practice.
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Connolly DP, Kouroussis G, Laghrouche O, Ho CL, Forde MC. Benchmarking railway vibrations – Track, vehicle, ground and building effects. Construction and Building Materials. 2015;92: 64-81. Available from: doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2014.07.042
Erkal A, Laefer D, Fanning P, Durukal E, Hancilar U, Kaya Y. Factors affecting traffic-generated vibrations on buildings and a case study: Minaret of Little Hagia Sophia Mosque. In: Nuallain NAN, Walsh D, West R (eds.) Proceedings of Bridge & Infrastructure Research in Ireland 2010 and Concrete Research in Ireland, A joint Symposium co-hosted by UCC and CIT, 2 - 3 September 2010, Cork, Ireland.
Crispino M, D’Apuzzo M. Measurement and prediction of traffic-induced vibrations in a heritage building. Journal o
Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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