Jasna Golubić
Ivica Mekovec
Ivan Suić
Recent scientific research have continued to assume thataircraft may contribute to the adverse chemical changes in theglobal atmosphere, especially regarding ozone (03) depletionas well as in possible changes in climate.Howeve1; there is substantial uncertainty regarding the realglobal impact of aircraft emissions, and governments and other01ganisations worldwide grant funds for such research.The paper deals with the emission of subsonic and supersonicaircraft, with special reference to the impact of SST aircrafton the upper layers of atmosphere that may be harmed byaircraft operation.
Steiner S., Galovic B., Pavlin S.: Ekoloski kriteriji eksploatacije zrakoplova, Promet 4-5, 1996.
Yackovetsky R.E.: Design of next generation supersonic
must address a number of environmental concenzs
Flight International, 139, 1991, 4248 pp. 25-26
ICAOJOURNAL, 1996, pp.15-16
ICAOJOURNAL, March 1996. pp. 11-15
Flight International, 150, 1996., 4537, pp. 50-53
ICAOJOURNAL, 50, 1995., 2, pp. 18-19
Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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