Livij Jakomin
Matej David
The article calls our attention to the existing dangers of potentiallyharmful 01ganisms being introduced in our sea withships ballast water and to the need of having this maller undercontrol. To this end the article presents the importance of ballastwater for a ship, organisms in ballast water, some cases ofharmful introductions and the case of Slovenia. Furthermore,legal aspects, ballast water management methods/techniquesand monitoring aspects are presented. Finally, the article dealswith perspectives for the regulation of the ballast water issue.
(1] IMO (1998): MEPC 42/8, Harmful aquatic 01ganisms in
ballast water, Report of the Working Group on Ballast
Water convened during MEPC 41, p. 29.
(2] IMO (1998): Focus on IMO, Alien invaders- putting a
stop to the ballast water hitch-hikers, p. 17.
(3] GEF/IMO!UNDP, Gollasch, S. (1998): Removal of
Barriers to the Effective Implementation of Ballast Water
Control and Management Measures in Developing
Countries, p. 197.
(4] IMO (2001): MEPC 46/inf.27, Harmful aquatic organisms
in ballast water, International Ballast Water
Treatment R&D Symposium (26 to 27 March 2001)
and Standards Workshop (28 to 30 March 2001), p. 3.
(5] IMO (2001): MEPC 46/3/2, Harmful Aquatic Organisms
in Ballast Water, Draft Consolidated Text of an International
Convention for the Control and Management
of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments, p. 31.
(6] David, M (2000): Vnos tujerodnih in skodljivih organizmov
z balastnimi vodami
Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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