Hrvoje Baričević
Dražen Domandžić
This paper describes the criteria, standards, and engineeringprocedures used to design principal elements of the highwayalignment, highway cross sections, and adjacent roadside environment.Development of a comprehensive highway design focuseson the establishment of travel lane configuration, alignmentlocation, and all dimensions related to the highway crosssection. A three-dimensional physical location is determinedthrough calculation of a horizontal and vertical alignment ofthe highway centerline, based on a variety of operational considerations.The results of these activities are refe'ed to as thegeometric design and represent all the visible features of a highwayor street. The first and major portion of the paper deals withthe design of motor-vehicle facilities. Specific design elementsare described and discussed with respect to design methodology.
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Transportation Officials, Washington, DC (1990 and
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Highway Capacity Manual, Transportation Research
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Wrigbt, P. :HighwayEngineering (sixth edition), Georgia
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Baricevic, H. i Dundovic, C.: Relationship betwen
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znanostima, Fakultet za pomorstvo in promet i
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Wrigbt, P.: Highway ... p. 203.
Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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