Jakov Karmelić
Čedomir Dundović
Ines Kolanović
Within the whole world container traffic, the largest share of containers is in the status of repositioning. Container repositioning results from the need for harmonization between the point of empty container accumulation and the point of demand, and waiting time for the availability of the first next transport of cargo. This status of containers on the container market is the consequence of imbalances in the worldwide trade distribution on most important shipping routes. The need for fast and effective reallocation of empty containers causes high costs and often represents an obstacle affecting the efficiency of port container terminals and inland carriers.In accordance with the above issue, this paper is mainly focused on the analysis of the data concerning global container capacities and the roots of container equipment imbalances, with the aim of determining the importance of empty container management and the need for empty container micro-logistic planning at the spread port area.
DynaLiners Trades Review, Dynamar, Noorderkade, 2010, p. 5 and 22
Rodrigue, J.P., Comtos, C., Slack, B., The Geography of Transport Systems, Chapter 5 - The Repositioning of Empty Containers, http://people.hofstra.edu/
Crinks, P., Asset Management in the Global Container Logistic Chain, International Asset System, 2000. http://www.icampus.ucl.ac.be/claroline/backends/download.php?url=L0JXMy9Bc3NldE1hbmFnZW1lbnRfaW5fdGhlX0dsb2JhbF9Db250YWluZXJfTG9naXN0aWNzX2NoYWluLnBkZg%3D%3D&cidReset=true&cidReq=CESCMBW3
Theofanis, S., Boile, M., Empty marine container logistics: facts, issues and management strategies, Springer Science+ Business media, B.V. 2008, p. 54
conc3en/containerfleet.html according to Containerisation International Market Analysis
Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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