Ivan Bošnjak
Ivo Županović
Vesna Cerovac
Traffic science cannot emerge from 'emb1yonic state' if ithasn't common methodology and unified (fonnal) treatmentof traffic, relevant for different transportation and (tele)communicationsubsystems. Generalised model (metamodel) oftraffic process or traffic (system) the01y, must ensure consistencyand provide common platj01ms for large scale of trafficengineering (technologies) problems.This paper is concentrated only to consider dynamic approachin unified formal (mathematical) description of trafficprocess. Identification of some generic traffic relations andisom01phy are associated with the relevant contributions from'classical' traffte flow theory and teletraffic references. Dynamicflow models are considered as an approximation ofqueuing models and as an independent detenninistic and stochasticdescription of traffic process. Fwther 'more-integrated'contributions and development of generalised traffic (system)the01y are suggested.
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C. C. Wright: Some Properties of the Fundamental Relations
of Traffic Flow; Traffic Flow and Transportation
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R. Herman: Kinetic The01y of Vehicular Traffic, American
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J. G. Klir (Ed.): Trends in General Systems The01y;
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Lj. Kuzovic: Teorija saobracajnog toka, Gradevinska
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J. Filipiak: Modelling and Control of Dynamic Flows in
Communication Networks; Springer-Verlag, 1988.
I. Zupanovic: Tehnologija cestovnog prijevoza, FPZ, Zagreb,
I. Bosnjak: Tehnologija telekomunikacijskog prometa,
FPZ, Zagreb, 1997.
Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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