Bogdan Marković
Academy of Applied Technical Studies Belgrade, College for Traffic, Mechanical Engineering and Environmental Engineering
Milan Marković
MTT - SRB Consultancy, DOO Beograd-Stari Grad
The topic of the paper is the application of dual approach in formulation and resolution of goods distribution tasks problems. The gap in previous goods distribution research is the absence of the methodologies and goods transportation calculation methods for manufacturing companies with not too large amount of goods distribution whereby goods distribution is not the core activity. The goal of this paper is to find a solution for transportation in such companies. In such cases it is not rational to procure a specific software for the improvement of goods transportation but rather apply the calculation presented in this paper. The aim of this paper from mathematical aspect is to show the convenience of switching from the basic geometric interpretation of linear programming applied on transportation tasks to dual approach for the companies with too many costs limitations per transport task but not enough available transportation means. Recent research studies that use dual approach in linear programming are generally not applied to transportation tasks although such approach is very convenient. The goal of the paper is also to resolve transportation tasks by both primal and dual approach in order to prove the correctness of the method.
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Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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