Miroslav Mikula
Slavko Šarić
The paper deals with the effects of electromagnetic fields upon participants in postal traffic (employees and users). The authors first provide a general review of the effects of electromagnetic fields upon people, and then a special reference is drawn to the examination of properties of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields (of particular intensity with postal radio relay facilities), possible harmful effects of subject fields upon people, and individual aspects of protection and their efficiency.
M.PADELIN: Utjecaj električnih i magnetskih polja na čovječje zdravlje. CIGRE, Sarajevo, 1979.
J. GAJŠEK: Štetno neionizirajuće EM zračenje. Tehnički bilten Iskre, 1983, 3.
M. MIKULA: Utjecaj elektromagnetskih polja na !jude. CIGRE, Neum, 1991.
M. MIKULA: Granične vrijednosti jakosti elektromagnetskih polja u frekvencijskom području 0-30 kHz u cilju zasitite Ijudi. CIGRE, Zagreb, 1993.
Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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