Sanja Steiner
Borivoj Galović
Željko Radačić
Paper deals with conceptual guidelines of national air trafficdevelopment from the point of view of safety and shows thenecessity of creating a national safety program.Requirement of safety program implementation is the foundationof national aviation safety board, which should be operatedindependent of civil aviation authority. The main tasks ofthis board are accident and incident investigations, data analysisand suggesting of safety recommendations and standards,i.e. prevention programs. The next premise of safety programmodeling is to reach the legal and administrative considerationsfor introduction of incident reporting system on confidentialprinciples. The application of the model of safety programin Croatian air traffic is closely related with implementation ofEuropean aviation normative.
ASRS Program Overview.
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. Civil Aviation Administration in Australia - Civil
Aviation Safety Authority.
Confidential Aviation Incident Reporting.
National Transportation Safety Board.
Steiner, S.: Model programa sigumosti zracnog prometa
u Hrvatskoj (The Model of Air Traffic Safety Program in
Croatia). Dissertation, Faculty of Traffic and Transport
Engineering, Zagreb, 1998.
Securitas - The confidential transportation safety reporting
program. Internet:
Taylor, L.:Air Travel: How Safe is it? Blackwell Science
Ltd, Oxford,
Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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