Gabriel Wackermann
The emergence of the Se/Vice economy and the globalisationput an end io the theory of central places elaborated byChristaller and Losch at the end of the industrial period. Thegrowing mobility of persons and goods and the breakthrough oftechnologies favowing speed and information flows have giventhe main importance to the notion of space-time. The resultingmutation of transp01t, renders ever more emphasis to the networkconnection of relais stations and gives 1ise to network .systemsdevelopment, especially at large scale, that reduces considerablythe interest of old urban hierarchical pattems approp1iare10 a relatively static era which has now gone by in the developedcountries.
Christaller W. (1933), Die zentralen Orle Siiddeutschlands,
LOsch, A. ( 1944), Die riiumliche Ordnung der Wirlschaft,
Thiinen, J. H. von (1826), Der isolierle Staat in
Beziehung auf Landwirtschaft und Nationalokonomie,
Hamburg, (Darmstadt 1966)
Tietze, W. (1998), Transrapidverkehr in Europa , Rei he
'GeoColleg', Gebr. Borntrager Publishers, Stuttgart,
S.+Anhang (Karte)
Wackermann, G. (1995), Les transports de marchandises
dans !'Europe de demain, Ed. Le Cherche-Midi,
Paris, 139 S.
Wackermann, G. (1997 a), Geopolitique de l'espace
mondial- Dynamiques et enjeu.x, Ed. Ellipses, Paris, 240
Wackermann, G. (1997 b), La civilisation des services,
Ed. Ellipses, Paris, 192 S.
Wackermann, G. (1997 c), La nouvelle Europe centra le,
Ed. Ellipses, Paris, 192 S.
Wackermann, G., Rey, V., Aquatias, M. (1997), Mutations
en Europe media ne, CNED-SDES, Paris, 416 S.
Wackermann, G. (
Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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