Andrej Grebenšek
Stanislav Pavlin
LjubljanaAirport is the main and central airport of the Republicof Slovenia that serves the needs of the major part of thecountry as well as the needs of the eminent regions across theborder. Due to its proximity to the capital of Slovenia, it is ofspecial importance for the country. The traffic at Ljubljana Airportconsists of IFR and VFR traffic. In calculations, however,only IFR traffic is considered. Although the VFR traffic participateswith a significant share in the total amount of traffic, it isso flexible that in the end, it only contributes to the overall capacityof the runway.LjubljanaAirport is specific because there is no taxiway tillthe holding position of runway 31. Aircraft generally land onrunway 31. This is the only available instrumental runway forlanding. Take-offs can be executed in the directions 31 or 13.Both directions are considered in the calculations. The basiccalculations are done on the assumption that take-offs andlandings are executed in the same direction, that is, on runway31. This presents a normal procedure at traffic peaks since sucha situation is clearer, easier and safer for an Air Traffic Controllerto handle. The present traffic load at the airport is not soheavy, therefore in quieter periods of the day aircraft land onrunway 31 and take off from runway 13. This procedure reducesthe capacity of the runway and the calculations for ithave been carried out at the end.
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Ministarstvo za prom et in zveze, Uprava republike Slovenije
za civilno letalstvo: AlP - Aeronautical Information
Publication- Zbomik zrakoplovnih informacij;
Robert Horonjeff- Francis X. McKelvey: Planning and
Design of Airports, fourth edition1993, McGraw- Hill,
Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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