Davor Franjković
Tino Bucak
Maja Martek
As a subprogram of wider area navigation, the basic areanavigation defines operations within the European airspace inthe ATS route netlvork, and terminal controlled areas, accordingto the developed chronology of gradual implementationand clearly defined authorities regarding its implementation.The introduction of the basic area navigation operations intothe airspace of the European Civil Aviation Conference, has resulteddirectly from a significant growth of traffic density andthe impossibility of control using conventional methods. It willinsure numerous advantages, first of all greater traffic throughputcompared to the previous method of navigation guidance,thereby not disturbing the existing safety standards.
B-RNAV Toward Tomotrow's Navigation', EUROCONTROL,
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Stubicke toplice, Graz, Vienna, 1998
ICAO Annex 11 'Air Traffic Services', 1994
ICAO Doc 9613-AN/937 'Manual on Required Navigation
Perfmmance (RNP)'
ICAO PANS-RAC Doc 4444 'Rules oftheAirandAir
Traffic Setvices', 1985
ICAO Doc 7030 'Regional Supplementwy Procedures',
ICAO Doc 8168 'Procedures for Air Traffic Setvices Aircraft
Operations (PANS-OPS)'
EUROCONTROL Doc 003-93 ''Area Navigation
Equipment - Operational Requirements and Functional
ECAC Strategy for the 1990s Relieving Congestion in and
around Airports', 1992
JAA- TGL-2 ''Advisory Material for the Airworthiness
Approval of Navigation Systems for Use in E
Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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