Nada Štrumberger
Natalija Maletić
Four shipyards are located in the area of the Kvamer Bay,and they normally, at more or less regular intervals pe!form thecleaning of ship hulls. Due to the lack of necessary financialmeans, these processes usually mean applying of solid abrasiveswhich, due to their characteristics cause significant environmentalpollution.This paper presents the impact of individual shipyards, withregard to the extent of given se1vice - the treated area in squaredmetres, on the global pollution of the Kvamer Bay as well aspreventive and recovery measures that are feasible on a locallevel with the aim of reducing pollution.
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ISO 8501-1:1988, SIS SS 055900, Wezata, Goteborg,
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Pariera, J.: Which Abrasive Sand, Slag or Garnet,
Protective Coatings Europe, Vol.3., May 1998
Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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