Tae-Hyoung Tommy Gim
Seoul National University
Among the studies on the land use – travel relationship, few investigated it regarding weekend travel and destination choice. This study accordingly evaluates how the land use - destination choice relationship differs between weekdays and weekends using two multinomial logistic regression models in which the destination is classified into three types: microzone inside, microzone outside - macrozone inside, and macrozone outside. Major findings are that the choice of automobile alternatives for travel and their ownership are associated with the choice of the microzone inside while employment and income contribute to external trips. Among land use variables, nighttime population density turns out to be the only land use variable that consistently increases internal trips in all cases, regardless of the zone size and weekday - weekend difference, whereas daytime population density does not become significant in any case. Also, land use entropy and street connectivity are found to discourage a trip that moves from the microzone to the macrozone and transit system variables to facilitate a trip that goes beyond the microzone. Particularly, between two types of transit system variables, the choice of the microzone is likely to be associated with low bus stop density on weekdays and low metro station density on weekends.
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Næss P. Residential location a
Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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