Martin Bugaj
Maintenance organizations assist in ensuring that all aeronauticalproducts built, operated or maintained under controlconform to national and international ailworthiness standards.Ensuring that these standards are met involves a vastnetwork of organizations and personnel in general aviation.Standards and Procedures is responsible for the coordinationand management of all regional maintenance and manufacturingactivities, other than those related to Licensing andTraining. This includes acting as a central coordination andcommunication point for other Civil Aviation.
John Moubray, 2001, Reliability-centred maintenattce I!,
New York, Industrial Press Inc.
(2] Anthony Smith, 1992, Reliability-centred maintenance
Il, McGraw-Hill
(3] Jim August, 2000, Applied Reliability-centred maintenance
I!, Pennwell Corp
(4] Michael J. Kroes, 1999,Aircraft maintenance and repair,
McGraw-Hill College
Ludek Beiio, Numerical aeronautical data requirements,
, Studies of Faculty of operation and economics of
transport and communications of University in Zilina.
Volume 11.
(6] Martin Bugaj, 2004, Fault tree analysis, Studies of Faculty
of operation and economics of transport and communications
of University in Zilina, Vol. 21
Andrej Novak, 2000, Perspective for AMSS in ADS, Studies
of Faculty of operation and economics of transport
and communications of University in Zilina Vol. 21
Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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