The application of predicting bus travel time with real-time information, including Global Positioning System (GPS) and Electronic Smart Card (ESC) data is effective to advance the level of service by reducing wait time and improving schedule adherence. However, missing information in the data stream is inevitable for various reasons, which may seriously affect prediction accuracy. To address this problem, this research proposes a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model to predict bus travel time, considering incomplete data. To improve the model performance in terms of accuracy and efficiency, a Genetic Algorithm (GA) is developed and applied to optimise hyperparameters of the LSTM model. The model performance is assessed by simulation and real-world data. The results suggest that the proposed approach with hybrid data outperforms the approaches with ESC and GPS data individually. With GA, the proposed model outperforms the traditional one in terms of lower Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). The prediction accuracy with various combinations of ESC and GPS data is assessed. The results can serve as a guideline for transit agencies to deploy GPS devices in a bus fleet considering the market penetration of ESC.
The application of predicting bus travel time with re-al-time information, including Global Positioning System (GPS) and Electronic Smart Card (ESC) data is effec-tive to advance the level of service by reducing wait time and improving schedule adherence. However, missing information in the data stream is inevitable for various reasons, which may seriously affect prediction accuracy. To address this problem, this research proposes a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model to predict bus travel time, considering incomplete data. To improve the model performance in terms of accuracy and efficiency, a Genet-ic Algorithm (GA) is developed and applied to optimise hyperparameters of the LSTM model. The model perfor-mance is assessed by simulation and real-world data. The results suggest that the proposed approach with hybrid data outperforms the approaches with ESC and GPS data individually. With GA, the proposed model outperforms the traditional one in terms of lower Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). The prediction accuracy with various com-binations of ESC and GPS data is assessed. The results can serve as a guideline for transit agencies to deploy GPS devices in a bus fleet considering the market penetration of ESC.
The present study explores whether the European Union’s transport policy measures of the last decade have fulfilled the expectations, i.e. whether there has been a positive change in the field of rail freight transport in the region. Data on the volumes of freight transport in the recent period have been analysed with freight trans-port intensity as an indicator. The values have been then translated into a spatial econometric model, looking for spatiality in the European Economic Region, including countries such as Norway, Switzerland or even Russia, extending the scope of the study to 37 countries. It has been proven that there is a spatial correlation between rail freight transport performance and GDP in Europe, which has a positive effect on countries with high GDP and a negative effect on low GDP countries in terms of performance. There is a particularly high intensity of rail freight in the Baltic region, as well as in Ukraine and Russia. Furthermore, it can be stated that rail freight has not undergone any significant changes in the last 10 years.
The present study explores whether the European Union’s transport policy measures of the last decade have fulfilled the expectations, i.e. whether there has been a positive change in the field of rail freight transport in the region. Data on the volumes of freight transport in the recent period have been analysed with freight transport intensity as an indicator. The values have been then translated into a spatial econometric model, looking for spatiality in the European Economic Region, including countries such as Norway, Switzerland or even Russia, extending the scope of the study to 37 countries. It has been proven that there is a spatial correlation between rail freight transport performance and GDP in Europe, which has a positive effect on countries with high GDP and a negative effect on low GDP countries in terms of performance. There is a particularly high intensity of rail freight in the Baltic region, as well as in Ukraine and Russia. Furthermore, it can be stated that rail freight has not undergone any significant changes in the last 10 years.
Portions of dynamic traffic volumes consisting of multiple vehicle classes are accurately monitored without vehicle detectors using vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication systems. This offers the feasibility of online monitoring of the total traffic volumes with multi-vehicle classes without any advanced vehicle detectors. To evaluate this prospect, this article presents a method of monitoring dynamic multi-class vehicular traffic volumes in a road location where road-side equipment (RSE) for V2I communication is in operation. The proposed method aims to estimate dynamic total traffic volume data for multiple vehicle classes using the V2I sensing probe volume (i.e. partial vehicular traffic volumes) collected through the RSE. An experimental study was conducted using real-world V2I sensing probe volume data. The results showed that traffic volumes for vehicle types I and II (i.e. cars and heavy vehicles, respectively) can be effectively monitored with average errors of 6.69% and 10.89%, respectively, when the penetration rates of the in-vehicle V2I device for the two vehicle types average 0.384 and 0.537, respectively. The performance of the method in terms of detection error is comparable to those of widely used vehicle detectors. Therefore, V2I sensing probe data for multi-vehicle classes can complement the functions of vehicle detectors because the penetration rate of in-vehicle V2I devices is currently high.
Portions of dynamic traffic volumes consisting of multiple vehicle classes are accurately monitored with-out vehicle detectors using vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication systems. This offers the feasibility of online monitoring of the total traffic volumes with multi-vehicle classes without any advanced vehicle de-tectors. To evaluate this prospect, this article presents a method of monitoring dynamic multi-class vehicu-lar traffic volumes in a road location where road-side equipment (RSE) for V2I communication is in opera-tion. The proposed method aims to estimate dynamic total traffic volume data for multiple vehicle classes us-ing the V2I sensing probe volume (i.e. partial vehicular traffic volumes) collected through the RSE. An experi-mental study was conducted using real-world V2I sens-ing probe volume data. The results showed that traffic volumes for vehicle types I and II (i.e. cars and heavy vehicles, respectively) can be effectively monitored with average errors of 6.69% and 10.89%, respectively, when the penetration rates of the in-vehicle V2I device for the two vehicle types average 0.384 and 0.537, re-spectively. The performance of the method in terms of detection error is comparable to those of widely used vehicle detectors. Therefore, V2I sensing probe data for multi-vehicle classes can complement the functions of vehicle detectors because the penetration rate of in-ve-hicle V2I devices is currently high.
Supply chain collaboration management is a system-atic, integrated and agile advanced management mode, which helps to improve the competitiveness of enterprises and the entire supply chain. In order to realise the synergy of supply chain, the most important is to realise the dynam-ic synergy of information. Here we proposed a strategy to integrate system dynamics and multi-agent system model-ling methods. Based on the strategy of supply chain infor-mation sharing and coordination, a two-level aggregation hybrid model was designed and established. Through the computer simulation analysis of the two modes before and after information collaboration, it is found that under the information collaboration mode, the change trend of or-der or inventory of suppliers and manufacturers always closely matches that of retailers. After the implementation of supply chain information coordination, ordering and inventory can be reasonably planned and matched, and problems such as over-stocking or short-term failure to meet order demands caused by poor information commu-nication will no longer occur, which can greatly reduce the “bullwhip effect”.
Supply chain collaboration management is a systematic, integrated and agile advanced management mode, which helps to improve the competitiveness of enterprises and the entire supply chain. In order to realise the synergy of supply chain, the most important is to realise the dynamic synergy of information. Here we proposed a strategy to integrate system dynamics and multi-agent system modelling methods. Based on the strategy of supply chain information sharing and coordination, a two-level aggregation hybrid model was designed and established. Through the computer simulation analysis of the two modes before and after information collaboration, it is found that under the information collaboration mode, the change trend of order or inventory of suppliers and manufacturers always closely matches that of retailers. After the implementation of supply chain information coordination, ordering and inventory can be reasonably planned and matched, and problems such as over-stocking or short-term failure to meet order demands caused by poor information communication will no longer occur, which can greatly reduce the “bullwhip effect”.
The negative effects of goods flows realisation are most visible in urban areas as the places of the greatest concentration of economic and social activities. The main goals of this article were to identify the applicable Industry 4.0 technologies for performing various city logistics (CL) operations, establish smart sustainable CL solutions (SSCL) and rank them in order to identify those which will serve as the base points for future plans and strategies for the development of smart cities. This kind of problem requires involvement of multiple stakeholders with their opposing goals and interests, and thus multiple criteria. For solving it, this article proposed a novel hybrid multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) model, based on BWM (Best-Worst Method) and CODAS (COmbinative Distance-based ASsessment) methods in grey environment. The results of the model application imply that the potentially best SSCL solution is based on the combination of the concepts of micro-consolidation centres and autonomous vehicles with the support of artificial intelligence and Internet of Things technologies. The main contributions of the article are the definition of original SSCLs, the creation of a framework and definition of criteria for their evaluation and the development of a novel hybrid MCDM model.
The negative effects of goods flows realization are most visible in urban areas - the places of the greatest concentration of economic and social activities. The application of succeeded classical technologies in the realization of new demands causes significant negative effects on all city functions and the quality of life. Considering the ongoing trends and new demands, smart sustainable city logistics (CL) solutions are defined in this article to mitigate the unsustainable effects of logistics. The solutions represent combinations of different initiatives, technologies and concepts of CL from one side, and the technologies of industry 4.0 from the other. Such an approach in defining smart CL solutions represents the main contribution of this article. The defined solutions are evaluated according to different stakeholder groups through the application of a novel hybrid multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) model, based on BWM (Best-Worst Method) and CODAS (COmbinative Distance-based ASsessment) methods in grey environment, which is another contribution of the article. The results of the model’ application imply that the potentially best sustainable smart CL solution is the one that is based on the combination of the concepts of micro-consolidation centers and autonomous vehicles with the support of artificial intelligence and internet of things technologies.
The article focuses on the up-to-date subject from the practical as well as scientific point of view. It specif-ically discusses a proposal of an approach concerning transport or distribution problems in the range of city logistics and investigates possibilities to use opted oper-ations research methods in this particular area. Specific suggestions lie first and foremost in using selected tools of operations research (i.e. a set of methods concerning vehicle routing problem) to model multiple variants of distribution paths from a determined hub to multiple spokes in order to minimise the overall travelled distance in an urban area. As far as the very research goes, to de-fine distribution paths to supply multiple logistics objects in the range of city logistics, ensuing methods are step by step used: Clarke-Wright algorithm, Mayer algorithm and the nearest neighbour algorithm. The article con-sists of a conceptual section, describing the relevant the-ory as well as data and methods used, the practical part and the section encompassing an assessment of the key findings, along with the discussion. A suitable combina-tion of adequate operations research methods and their application to city logistics issues is where an innovative solution of this research lies.
The article focuses on the up-to-date subject from the practical as well as scientific point of view. It specifically discusses a proposal of an approach concerning transport or distribution problems in the range of city logistics and investigates possibilities to use opted operations research methods in this particular area. Specific suggestions lie first and foremost in using selected tools of operations research (i.e. a set of methods concerning vehicle routing problem) to model multiple variants of distribution paths from a determined hub to multiple spokes in order to minimise the overall travelled distance in an urban area. As far as the very research goes, to define distribution paths to supply multiple logistics objects in the range of city logistics, ensuing methods are step by step used: Clarke-Wright algorithm, Mayer algorithm and the nearest neighbour algorithm. The article consists of a conceptual section, describing the relevant theory as well as data and methods used, the practical part and the section encompassing an assessment of the key findings, along with the discussion. A suitable combination of adequate operations research methods and their application to city logistics issues is where an innovative solution of this research lies.
In traffic monitoring data analysis, the magnitude of traffic density plays an important role in determining the level of traffic congestion. This study proposes a data imputation method for spatio-functional principal component analysis (s-FPCA) and unifies anomaly curve detection, outlier confirmation and imputation of traffic density at target intersections. Firstly, the detection of anomalous curves is performed based on the binary principal component scores obtained from the functional data analysis, followed by the determination of the presence of outliers through threshold method. Secondly, an improved method for missing traffic data estimation based on upstream and downstream is proposed. Finally, a numerical study of the actual traffic density data is carried out, and the accuracy of s-FPCA for imputation is improved by 8.28%, 8.91% and 7.48%, respectively, when comparing to functional principal component analysis (FPCA) with daily traffic density data missing rates of 5%, 10% and 20%, proving the superiority of the method. This method can also be applied to the detection of outliers in traffic flow, imputation and other longitudinal data analysis with periodic fluctuations.
In traffic monitoring data analysis, the magnitude of traffic density plays an important role in determin-ing the level of traffic congestion. This study proposes a data imputation method for spatio-functional principal component analysis (s-FPCA) and unifies anomaly curve detection, outlier confirmation and imputation of traf-fic density at target intersections. Firstly, the detection of anomalous curves is performed based on the binary principal component scores obtained from the function-al data analysis, followed by the determination of the presence of outliers through threshold method. Secondly, an improved method for missing traffic data estimation based on upstream and downstream is proposed. Final-ly, a numerical study of the actual traffic density data is carried out, and the accuracy of s-FPCA for imputation is improved by 8.28%, 8.91% and 7.48%, respective-ly, when comparing to functional principal component analysis (FPCA) with daily traffic density data missing rates of 5%, 10% and 20%, proving the superiority of the method. This method can also be applied to the detection of outliers in traffic flow, imputation and other longitudi-nal data analysis with periodic fluctuations.
Mobility as a Service (MaaS) has been proposed as a user-centric, data-driven and personalised ser-vice. However, full personalisation is not available yet. Customisation settings are developed in mobile appli-cations, and several semi-personalised functionalities are also involved. The quantitative analysis of relation between these two could be the reference for further de-velopment tendency of interface functions in mobile ap-plications. Thus, the research objective is identified as: the quantitative correlation analysis between semi-per-sonalisation functionalities and customisation settings. Accordingly, the multi-criteria qualitative analysis method is applied to identify the assessment aspects regarding mobile applications. The scoring method is also introduced. Then the correlation quantitative anal-ysis method is applied to calculate the correlation coef-ficient. We have assessed 25 MaaS applications regard-ing determined aspects. The correlation coefficients for each application together with the overall coefficient are calculated, the assessment results are summarised, and the correlation tendency is interpreted. According to assessment results, the correlation between custom-isation settings and semi-personalisation is not strong at current stage. Selected MaaS mobile applications are customisation setting oriented applications. Fewer manual selections are expected in further personalised services. Our results facilitate development of further personalised functions in MaaS mobile applications.
Mobility as a Service (MaaS) has been proposed as a user-centric, data-driven and personalised service. However, full personalisation is not available yet. Customisation settings are developed in mobile applications, and several semi-personalised functionalities are also involved. The quantitative analysis of relation between these two could be the reference for further development tendency of interface functions in mobile applications. Thus, the research objective is identified as: the quantitative correlation analysis between semi-personalisation functionalities and customisation settings. Accordingly, the multi-criteria qualitative analysis method is applied to identify the assessment aspects regarding mobile applications. The scoring method is also introduced. Then the correlation quantitative analysis method is applied to calculate the correlation coefficient. We have assessed 25 MaaS applications regarding determined aspects. The correlation coefficients for each application together with the overall coefficient are calculated, the assessment results are summarised, and the correlation tendency is interpreted. According to assessment results, the correlation between customisation settings and semi-personalisation is not strong at current stage. Selected MaaS mobile applications are customisation setting oriented applications. Fewer manual selections are expected in further personalised services. Our results facilitate development of further personalised functions in MaaS mobile applications.
Non-standard unsignalised intersections are very common in European countries with old street networks. The major road often bends at an angle at the centre of an intersection, which makes the intersection non-standard. There are very few papers about the capacity analysis and headway values at these intersections, even though non-standard intersections are widespread not only in Europe but also in the rest of the world. Regarding the fact that priority at the non-standard unsignalised intersection (NSUI) differs from the standard unsignalised intersection (SUI) and the conflict flows, it can be expected that headways are not the same as those at the SUI. Consequently, the capacity at the NSUI differs from that at the SUI. This paper gives critical headway and follow-up headway values at 3-leg and 4-leg NSUI collected by on-field measurement. Recommendations for the values used for the capacity analysis are given, and recommended values are compared at SUI and NSUI.
Non-standard unsignalised intersections are very common in European countries with old street networks. The major road often bends at an angle at the centre of an intersection, which makes the intersection non-standard. There are very few papers about the capacity analysis and headway values at these intersections, even though non-standard intersections are widespread not only in Europe but also in the rest of the world. Regarding the fact that priority at the non-standard unsignalised inter-section (NSUI) differs from the standard unsignalised in-tersection (SUI) and the conflict flows, it can be expected that headways are not the same as those at the SUI. Con-sequently, the capacity at the NSUI differs from that at the SUI. This paper gives critical headway and follow-up headway values at 3-leg and 4-leg NSUI collected by on-field measurement. Recommendations for the values used for the capacity analysis are given, and recommended values are compared at SUI and NSUI.
The extreme traffic measures during the COVID-19 lockdown provided a unique opportunity to gain better insight into the relationship between traffic characteris-tics and NO2 concentrations in Maribor, a small Slove-nian city. NO2, traffic and meteorological data were sta-tistically processed in detail for March and April 2018, 2019 and 2020 to get a historical insight and to exclude the specifics of the lockdown period. The extreme event resulted in an average reduction of road traffic of 42%. The decrease in the number of passenger cars ranged from 33.9 to 60.3% per day with the largest decrease on the motorway. Daily averages of heavy goods traffic de-clined on the motorway and the expressway by 24.6% and 7%, respectively. Traffic characteristics were reflect-ed in a 24–27% decrease in NO2 concentrations at the urban station. The change is smaller than the change in traffic volume, which could be explained by the change in the composition of the vehicle fleet due to the increase in NO2-dominant traffic sources, e.g. diesel heavy goods vehicles. The presented results are relevant for improv-ing air quality and sustainable mobility management in small cities. They highlight the important role of reor-ganisation of heavy goods traffic in urban logistics.
The extreme traffic measures during the COVID-19 lockdown provided a unique opportunity to gain better insight into the relationship between traffic characteristics and NO2 concentrations in Maribor, a small Slovenian city. NO2, traffic and meteorological data were statistically processed in detail for March and April 2018, 2019 and 2020 to get a historical insight and to exclude the specifics of the lockdown period. The extreme event resulted in an average reduction of road traffic of 42%. The decrease in the number of passenger cars ranged from 33.9 to 60.3% per day with the largest decrease on the motorway. Daily averages of heavy goods traffic declined on the motorway and the expressway by 24.6% and 7%, respectively. Traffic characteristics were reflected in a 24–27% decrease in NO2 concentrations at the urban station. The change is smaller than the change in traffic volume, which could be explained by the change in the composition of the vehicle fleet due to the increase in NO2-dominant traffic sources, e.g. diesel heavy goods vehicles. The presented results are relevant for improving air quality and sustainable mobility management in small cities. They highlight the important role of reorganisation of heavy goods traffic in urban logistics.
Motivating people to switch to public transport from using their own car is one of the most important parts on the way to accomplishing the Green Deal 2050 challenge. In the Czech Republic, where the number of passengers was rapidly rising in the pre-pandemic time, individual car transport still offers many more travel benefits than railway lines for most long-distance relations. How to strategically develop the railway infrastructure? Will the planned high-speed railways really be the appropriate solution to this problem in time? Will they satisfy all the different requirements of passengers who are potentially able to switch from car to train?
Motivating people to switch to public transport from using their own car is one of the most important parts on the way to accomplishing the Green Deal 2050 challenge. In the Czech Republic, where the number of passengers was rapidly rising in the pre-pandemic time, individual car transport still offers many more travel benefits than railway lines for most long-distance rela-tions. How to strategically develop the railway infra-structure? Will the planned high-speed railways really be the appropriate solution to this problem in time? Will they satisfy all the different requirements of passengers who are potentially able to switch from car to train?
The pandemic caused by the coronavirus COVID-19 is having a worldwide impact that affects health, econo-my and air pollution in cities indirectly. In Slovenia, as well as in all other countries, the number of cases of in-fected people increased continually in 2020, which affect-ed the health system and caused movement restrictions, which, in turn, affected the air pollution in the country. This article presents the indirect effect produced by this pandemic on air pollution in Maribor, Slovenia. Traffic and air quality data were used to perform the evaluation, in particular PM10 and PM2.5 daily concentrations from the monitoring station in Maribor. By observing the de-tailed traffic data and particulate matter concentrations acquired in the Maribor city centre before and during the pandemic times, we show the influence of COVID-19 on particulate matter concentrations in that part of the town. The results show slightly lower particulate matter con-centrations, which could be explained by the significantly lower traffic volume values in the lockdown months.
The pandemic caused by the coronavirus COVID-19 is having a worldwide impact that affects health, economy and air pollution in cities indirectly. In Slovenia, as well as in all other countries, the number of cases of infected people increased continually in 2020, which affected the health system and caused movement restrictions, which, in turn, affected the air pollution in the country. This article presents the indirect effect produced by this pandemic on air pollution in Maribor, Slovenia. Traffic and air quality data were used to perform the evaluation, in particular PM10 and PM2.5 daily concentrations from the monitoring station in Maribor. By observing the detailed traffic data and particulate matter concentrations acquired in the Maribor city centre before and during the pandemic times, we show the influence of COVID-19 on particulate matter concentrations in that part of the town. The results show slightly lower particulate matter concentrations, which could be explained by the significantly lower traffic volume values in the lockdown months.
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